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Geography - Liveability - Year 7: Water Scarcity

Water Scarcity

Water Around The World

Water A Precious Resource


Water Education

Informal water education
Communities need to have the appropriate knowledge and understanding of their watershed, the natural, social, cultural conditions, as well as policies and regulations, economic trends and development opportunities, to be involved in water management and conservation. They will also be more actively involved if they are organized. IHP will develop water education activities for communities and will partner with IHP National Committees 

Water Corporation - Water Conservation: In Australia, the world's driest inhabited continent, it is especially important that we conserve our water. As Western Australia (WA) continues to experience the effects of a drying climate and a growing population, it is important we work together to reduce our water consumption and become waterwise in our homes and gardens. 

Defining The Problem

Water Cycle

Impact of Melting Glaciers on Water

Conserving Water, Conserving Life

The Library is open 8.00 to 4.00 Mon-Thurs, 8.00 to 3.30 Fri. We also have a selection of games available to play during recess and lunch. Only games from the Library are to be played.