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VCE Biology Unit 2: Forensic DNA Databases


Use the SLV Database Search to find a range of articles on this topic.

Search: “forensic DNA databases”, change parameters to “Articles”

Link below:

Open-source bioinformatics software (click on the links for details):

Australian Institute of Criminology: Recent Developments in DNA Evidence

Nuffield Council of Bioethics: Forensic Use of Bioinformation - Ethical Issues

FBI: CODIS and NDIS fact sheet

UK National DNA Database: Who’s watching your genes?

National Institute of Justice: DNA evidence - basics of analysing

Your Genome: Is it Ethical to have a National DNA Database?

Forensic Genetics Policy Initiative

Benefits of having a DNA Database

Forensic DNA: A Human Rights Challenge

Interpol: Forensics and DNA

75% of black British men put on DNA Database

Australian Crimial Intelligence Commision

The National Academies Press: Forensiz DNA databanks and Privacy of Information

Science Direct: Forensic DNA databases - ethical and legal standards

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