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Study Guide : Jane Eyre: Quiz


1. With whom does Jane live with at Gateshead at the beginning of the novel?
Mr Rochester: 0 votes (0%)
Her parents: 1 votes (5.26%)
Her aunt and cousins: 18 votes (94.74%)
With Bertha: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 19
2. What is the color of the room Jane is locked in at Gateshead?
Green: 2 votes (13.33%)
Blue: 0 votes (0%)
Red: 13 votes (86.67%)
White: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 15
3. What is the subject of the book Jane is reading at the beginning of the novel?
Birds: 14 votes (77.78%)
Fidh: 0 votes (0%)
Horses: 1 votes (5.56%)
Family: 3 votes (16.67%)
Total Votes: 18
4. Who is Jane’s friend who dies in her arms?
Helen: 17 votes (94.44%)
Clara: 0 votes (0%)
Mary: 0 votes (0%)
Bertha: 1 votes (5.56%)
Total Votes: 18
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