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World War II: Legacy and remembrance


"January 27 is designated by the United Nations General Assembly as International Holocaust Remembrance Day (IHRD).

The date marks the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and is meant to honour the victims of Nazism. The same resolution supports the development of educational programs to remember the Holocaust and to prevent further genocide.

Resolution 60/7 not only establishes January 27 as “International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust,” it also rejects any form of Holocaust denial. The resolution encourages member states of the UN to actively preserve sites that the Nazis used during the "Final Solution". Drawing from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the resolution condemns all forms of “religious intolerance, incitement, harassment or violence against persons or communities based on ethnic origin or religious belief” throughout the world."

Source: Holocaust Encyclopaedia, US Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Holocaust was carried out at such a scale that the world took time to come to grips with the enormity of it. But, incomprehensibly, the Holocaust was not the last atrocity of its nature to be committed. This programme outlines more recent attempts at genocide and takes students through the significance of coping with and commemorating the Holocaust many decades on, and long into the future.

Holocaust survivor Roman Kent shares his story of a dog in Nazi-occupied Poland who taught him a timeless lesson: that love is stronger than hate.

In the Jewish Holocaust Museum's Eyewitness project, the survivors’ stories enable viewers to engage with the human side of Holocaust history to deliver a meaningful learning experience.

Combating Holocaust denial

The Empty Library is a monument in Berlin dedicated to remembrance of the 10 May 1933 book burnings, where student groups sympathetic to the Nazi cause burned books deemed un-German - typically those by Jewish authors such as Bertolt Brecht and Albert Einstein. The memorial was unveiled in 1995 and designed by Micha Ullmann.

Source: Wikimedia Commons [Public Domain].

The Holocaust has come to be understood and remembered as the greatest act of brutality and genocide in modern memory.  However, this was not the immediate understanding of the event following liberation and the end of the Second World War. Memory of the Holocaust has developed differently in different countries at different times. 

The Library is open 8.00 to 4.00 Mon-Thurs, 8.00 to 3.30 Fri. We also have a selection of games available to play during recess and lunch. Only games from the Library are to be played.